Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stream South Park With Subtitles

Thank you! Back to School

More than 400 posts, over 20,000 visits, over 3 years of activity in two successive hosts, Caught in Delhi was for me both a chance to share - but also - thanks to you - enrichment.
But almost four months after my return in France, being much less contact with India (from inside) and is also taking other commitments addictive, I think it is time to conclude blogistique this step.
You were many to follow Flagrant Delhi, and leave your encouraging comments. You can be sincere and heartfelt thanks!
Beyond you, dear readers, who faithfully borne me, I will wish (briefly) thank some others who in one way or another, have contributed in one form or another has to help me create content on this blog:
  • My family, First my wife and my daughter, my teammates for being on this adventure,
  • My expatriate colleagues and friends, their solidarity, their sense of hospitality and humor,
  • My fellow Indians, who have learned a lot about the history, geography, religions, politics, the Russians and customs, and many other aspects of the culture of their country. I also thank them for their patience and respect of my differences.
  • The Indians I met in Delhi and elsewhere,
  • All those with whom I share my love of photography, with whom we went to take pictures, all those who have learned so much in this area, which was new to me arriving in India,
  • All these authors that firmly has a dimension of their way to India. And all these photographers, known and unknown, who gave me a taste their art. I do not re-quote today for fear of forgetting, but you can find their names by reading Flagrant Delhi.
Surely, dear reader, we cross again. Thank you again for reading Flagrant Delhi.


Very friendly,

Pierre Des Indes


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