Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Get Well Soon Wishes For My Grand Ma

The end of our trip to Austria

Hello everyone!!

We hope you're well?!

Here's last blog devoted to this beautiful country of Austria!

We left the lake "Hallstatt" in the rain at nightfall.

Directorate "Linz" and climbing gym! Indeed, we lack and the bad weather continues ... We sleep in the car park near the hall.

The next day, climb! The room is beautiful, composed of blocks, tracks and fitness!

The entrance ticket is 10 euros.

Directorate the "Monastery Wilhering" (rebuilt in 1748) and parking.

The outbuildings form a square around his garden flowers.

Inside the Monastery is a masterpiece of rococo art, fairly busy decorating!

Directorate "Abbey of Melk , dating from 1702!

The entrance fee is 9 euros.

The facade of the Abbey is 320 meters long! The buildings are huge!

Here are some of outside the Abbey.

From there, on the terrace, we had a beautiful view City "Melk" and river.

Wonderful library!

Beautiful church with its nave and its domed ceiling.

Maëlle Pose for photo!

And jo!

the Directorate "Neusedler see, "Lake !

We stop at the tourist office "Rust" take the card from the lake.

A small road in its green reeds, comes in a cul de sac on the lake and parking charges.

We find parking at 1.5 miles ahead, with a terminal camper!

Drain and full of water for one euro!

We'll walk to the lake.

is the only one that is observed, which is flat, large, shallow reeds with which replaces the mountains!

Vodka turns to water, as usual! We

pictures at sunset!

We will sleep on this car.

The next day we visit the village of "Rust" !

Storks come here every year and melts their nests on the chimneys of roofs!

We taste sweet white wine, delicious! So, we buy two bottles !

Branch Village "Mörbisch" ! We walk on foot.

This village consists of a main road and many long and perpendicular streets!

These streets are dotted with houses on columns, ornately!

Ears of corn, a symbol of the village, are suspended above the doors!

After tasting in a cellar, we buy a bottle of red wine!


Directorate "Wien" ! Unfortunately, we will visit his hospital ...!

After heavy lower abdominal pain, the ambulance picks Maëlle and Jo follows with our house ...

After some tests, injection of painkillers and spent the night in hospital, we start from this huge city!

Directorate "Eisenerz" and "Erzberg" , iron mountain. We will sleep in a parking lot upstream.

The next day, we visit inside the mine with an old train!

The combined ticket is 22 euros.

The wax figures are working with their machines. There's even a simulated blast!

Then we go to Lake "Leopoldsteiner see" . There is ample parking.

At this beautiful sunny afternoon, we go around the lake in electric bicycles with Vodka!

As usual, she can not resist the lure of the water!

The lake is beautiful, surrounded by mountains!

Oh beautiful ducks!

The dog can not catch them!

is a very good swimmer, but it lacks a pair of wings!

We start again in the direction of mine!

This time, we go on a huge "truck Hauly of 860 hp" !

Our "costumes" go with the color of the truck!

is a very unique ride!

We observed near this mountain of iron triangular shape, its winding paths and a lake!

We head towards "the Hunerkogel" , located near of

"Ramsau am Daschstein" .

We will sleep in the car park at the foot of the gondola, despite the prohibitory sign.

Early the next morning, the guardian has filed a disclosure sheet ... Whew

, it has no power to get a fine!

We take the cable car and visit the "Ice Palace" , cost per person, 39 euros!

Upstairs, at 2700 meters under the sun, the 360-degree view of the snowy mountains is magnificent!

We visit the "ice palace of the Simpsons family" !

The cashier kindly guard Vodka!

The characters of "Simpsons" are very similar!

Maëlle, ice queen!

We head towards the "Lower Lake Gosau" ! We sleep on his car !

The next day we walk around the lake bottom and top in electric bicycles with Vodka!

The day was beautifully sunny!

the lower lake is superb! It is surrounded by lush mountain backdrop of glaciers!

All this is reflected in the water!

Vodka put their heart's content!

two of us on a sort of raft on the lake!

After steep climbs, we finally arrived at Lake Superior! It is pretty.

The presence of a meadow invites us to rest! And that

Cabin restaurant, to the satisfaction of our appetite!

back to the camper, we leave direction "Dachstein" , 7kms of

Lake "Hallstatt" .

We will sleep for several nights on this car. There is a tap water pressure.

The next day in the sun, we take 2 cable cars to reach the "Krippenstein" !

The combined ticket is 33 euros per person.

The panorama is superb!

We can observe the lake "Hallstatt" in its green mountains!

After a walk, a structure with 5 fingers waiting for us.

Walking on each finger of the structure, we observe an angle of view! Ingenious!

We descend to the first gondola.

The teller gives us a schedule appointments to visit the two caves.

Here inside the cave "Mammuthohle" . Without more ...

Here the cave de glace « Rieseneishohle » , jolie et originale !

Des stalactites sur son plafond !

Des formes glaciaires !

De retour au parking, nous y resterons 2 jours afin de faire nos tâches… !

Nettoyage du linge et du sol, comptabilité, écriture du livre et préparation du blog !

Ce soir ou demain, nous partons en direction de « l’Italie », au « Port of Livorno "to take a ferry to Corsica!

you soon, in unknown place!


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