Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How To Merge Couches Together On The Sims 3

Free Guide "21 Days to Blogging like a PRO!"

ebook 21 jours pour bloguer comme un PRO

ConseilsMarketing.fr and MaBoiteCartonne.com have partnered to offer this 70-page ebook will explain the essential basics of Blogging !

The purpose of this eBook is to give you the step to create your own blog and awareness with a tutorial that will last 21 days.

Every day you can read an article that explains key to your successful Blog Pro and a "practical exercise" to perform.

With this simple and effortless , 21 days after you have created your blog and Pro will be on the right track to become a reference in your area.

The objective This mini-course is to explain an hour a day how to create, promote and increase the number of qualified visitors to your blog .

This training is designed specifically for independent businesses, eCommerce sites ... who want to start a blog to improve their ranking, attract targeted leads and build their reputation.

These tips are from our experience in both the B2B and B2C with our own respective blogs:

- Blog ConseilsMarketing.fr Canévet Frederick, who hit a target more than one Million Businesses in 2009.

- Blog on Coaching Staff Boris Schrenzel which attracted 2.2 million visitors in 2009.

following are summaries of the eBook:

Day 1 - Defining the purpose of his blog

Day 2 - Analyze competition

Day 3 - Set up alerts

4th day - Narrow the theme Pro's Blog

5th day - Installation and blog hosting

6th day - Choice of Design

7th day - The 20 essential plugins

8th day - The basics of SEO

9thday - Create the page "About"

10 th day - The basics of writing

11th day - 10 ways to find story ideas

day 12 - Various types of posts

13th Day - How do Linkbait?

14th Day - Join Blogs & Forums Specialty your Niche

15th Day - Republishing of articles and DiggLikes

16th Day - The free eBook

17th Day - Videos

18th Day - Twitter

19th Day - Facebook.com

20th Day - Viadeo.com

21th Day - The advertisement of his Blog

To download the ebook simply fill out the form on
http : / / www.conseilsmarketing.fr/emailing/ebook-gratuit-21-jours-pour-bloguer-comme-un-pro