Saturday, October 17, 2009

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The 10 essential steps for successful communication campaigns

compagne smsing

Under the "Contest Tips Marketing 2009", Vincent DIJOUX who keeps a blog on Mobile Marketing explains the 10 steps for successful SMSings.

campaign communications by SMS, is not just typing a message under 160 characters , select some recipients and click the send button. No it a bit more than that ... We will detail

10 key steps that will make SMS campaigns will be successful communication campaigns.

1 - Do not take lightly a campaign by SMS.

This is not because the message does "only" 160 characters that its impact will limited. Experience has shown that rates of returns are very interesting. Hence the need to carefully consider the future campaign and flatten the various parameters that follow.

2 - Depending on the theme of your campaign, you must choose a base of qualified recipients.

That is a base of customers and prospects most in tune with your message . Of course, these recipients have already agreed in advance to receive your messages and will be more attentive to the information provided. The impact of the campaign SMS will be proportional to the choice of recipients.

3 - Writing the message needs to look at 2 times on choosing the right words and turn of phrase. And all this

using language correctly and completely French ! 160 characters is not a hindrance in most cases for disseminating clear and understandable. The structure of the message must be made as follows:
[Identification of sender]
[Message body]
[Middle possible contact: phone number, email, website]. This pattern

"boilerplate" is a extremely effective and more especially if you use the right words. More an SMS message is concise and clear while providing maximum information , it will be more effective.

4 - should treat the message structure including the [Middle possible contact].

This element is also very important because the SMS comes in on a phone, so what better reflex that can dial a number and call the sender of the message we just received ?
What is the most used in this part is the phone number (statistically speaking, the fixed point to a forward pass motive), then just email and a web link. One factor involves a good rate of return is the means of rapid contact with the sender of the SMS.

5 - The contents of the [Message body] must be clear, concise and understandable.

Any superfluous is not welcome in a text message. This is also effective, it goes straight to the point and it does not bother with the sides. The spot SMS helps ensure that the message be understood quickly. A clear and understandable will be back faster than if the understanding is slow or even if not immediately.

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Finding customers network?

trouver des clients via le networking

Networking On the evening of 24 September, we had the pleasure of co-host a presentation on Networking and how it is possible to find clients via its home network or social networks.

If you could not attend, here is the Powerpoint of our intervention.

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good marketer's arsenal ...

arsenal marketing

In this video series you will find a presentation of the full arsenal of marketing tools available today to promote its products and services!

For more information, visit DEVcom.TV, or attend one of the lounges in the regions where we carry out our conferences in Live!

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TweetAdder SMS to automatically manage the Twitter community?

guide twitter

If you want to use Twitter as a marketing tool , very quickly you realize that you visit the site interface does not operate at 100% this wonderful service ... your best interest to use as a twitter client , ,

... For the construction of your community and its animation, it's the same thing: it is long and difficult to contact and identify people who share the same interests as you . You should look for keywords on Twitter, add some users manually ...

short, it quickly takes hours and hours, while the return on investment is not important at the outset.

Therefore we will present in this tutorial how to use TweetAdder , the software will save you a lot time in building your community!


following the curve of our trackers on the account on Twitter and you can see that with this tool, in 3 months we doubled the number of people who follow us from 1500 to 2878 followers ... people by passing less than twice a week (sending tweets and response time to messages included)!

twitter counter

And it generates hits, one can see that despite the calm of August, Twitter generates every day dozens of visits for cost and a very short time thanks to TweetAdder !

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Training video available on Twitter! I want to create my

Utilisation Twitter

Our Brother Ludovic Bartholomew has released the first video training French for Twitter.

This training includes no fewer than 19 chapters (either 1:30 video), the creation account in the promotion, through the tips and mistakes to avoid.

is unquestionably the most comprehensive training available in France , and we recommend to those who want to start on Twitter or perfect.

Here are 19 chapters training :

1 Introduction to Twitter
2 Creating a twitter account
3 Description of the Twitter interface
4 Creating a custom
5 Customizing Account
6 Set 7
an autoresponder program to send tweets with socialomph
8 Installation of desktop seesmic
9 Increase the number of its followers
10 Managing Automatic
11 rss feed twitter Publish your information on facebook
12 Add a button to your blog follower
13 Create a poll twitter twitter

14 Tips 15 Competitive Intelligence on his account with twitter
16 Manager's followers
17 Using TweetAdder
iPhone and twitter
18 19 Errors not to commit

The price of the course is only € 49.9 TTC !

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eCommerce ... Managing your online reputation

ebook wizishop

Wizishop the platform eCommerce site, but recently also a little Shopping Guide , us again offers a complete file with the return of experiences of 23 eCommerce.

This guide is interesting because almost all sectors are represented, and evidence range from small to large site solo website. Each presents its eCommerce store, his career, the difficulties encountered ... and gives tips and tricks to those who also want to get started. Here's a little

best of advice provided by these contractors throughout the 60 pages of this ebook free : :

Never forget despite the lack of real contact with customers that we are shopping and the client, as the saying goes, is always right . With
Archduchess, I'll test just communication actions more "traditional" adwords, facebook ads ... I did not have to do to Lafraise since the blog, and word of mouth was sufficient to itself . I also put up a page "fans" on Facebook, that keeps me in direct contact with my clients and inform them of the life of the store and brand. far in 2003/2007 he needed a blog to promote its site, as at this moment we feel the gradual shift towards Facebook.

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website! Tips

reussir son site web

Under the "Contest Tips Marketing 2009" we are pleased to welcome Ludovic Passamonti , Strategy and Internet Marketing Site .
Ludovc explains all the steps that precede the establishment of a website, that is the brief and the model including thread (wireframe).

I want to create a website immediately!

site internet

s it, you've decided to create your website, and it is time to get down to concrete .

You probably have to use several types of skills to achieve it: in this case, a web designer for webdesign, and one or more developers for the technical realization
, people which should explain what you expect of them.

But how to describe precisely what is desired, while
often at this stage of the project, we do not know yourself?
Beyond this existential problem (which we will solve it) is already part of the success of your Internet project is at stake in this preparation phase.

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... Making a Viral eBook


Find below the slides of the presentation on online reputation that we've done for the day Web2Connect with Jean François Ruiz.

How to properly manage its online reputation?

View more presentations gold Upload your own.

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The Secrets of Networking - Part 2

soiree networking you to participate in a conference followed by a networking dinner on October 22 .

The theme of the evening revolves around Social Networks and levers they can be to develop business are .

The evening consists of first the second part of the conference on the use of Professional Social Networks (see HERE presenting the first part).

During this presentation will explain how to go further in exploiting your evenings Networking (before the event, during and after).

We will be accompanied by Eric Messeca and Nathanael Ramos who will share their best practices and their feedbacks .

In summary the conference to be held from 19h to 20h:

- Reminder Golden Rules of Networking (for those who were not present at the first edition, you can also view Powerpoint ).

- How to prepare your Unique Selling Proposition or Pitch?

- Successful cards with 25 card models that allow you to stay in the memory of your prospects.

- Manage contacts efficiently and optimize its exploration .

- 10 tips and tricks for using Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Viadeo (3 training videos will be available to participants).

- Errors not to commit in the management and running of its network.

- Reminder tools to manage its online reputation. The second
part of the evening is an opportunity to get acquainted with the hundred participants , and perhaps find new partners and clients develop online and in real!

The final part (around 22:30) will culminate in a mini-concert Jazz .
Do not miss this evening Thursday, October 22, 2009 from 19h to 23h Meridien Etoile in Paris at .

Practical Information:

Hours: 19h to 23h45
Price: 25 € (Internet) or 35 € (on site)
- Entry conference (70 seats maximum)
- 1 drink and a light buffet
Venue: Le Meridien Etoile - 81 Bd St-Cyr-Gouvion Paris (Map )

Book online now

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reussir ses ebook

Under the "Contest Tips Marketing 2009," we are pleased to receive Thierry Dubois In this article Thierry explains how he can earn money online through ebooks .

We often hear of "Viral Marketing" also known as marketing "mouth" set of operations in place to make themselves known. But what is really the viral ebook?

A viral ebook is what?

On the web, one method of marketing is word of mouth viral ebook, ebook customizable distributed free. Each reader is encouraged to personalize their name for distribution in turn.
Thus, the distributor has a viral ebook with their own affiliate links that generate money when a customer clicks and buys.

3 advantages of achieving a viral ebook

This viral marketing has several advantages:
1) Its cost : The spread of a viral ebook is free, the only cost is the purchase of launch software to customize the links in it.
I recommend this software: Viral PDF
2) The ease and timeliness : The Internet offers all the tools to simplify the propagation of the message (email, forum, website ...) The multiplier effect is enormous because it is much easier to send an email to meet someone to share information.

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Best Marketing Books

livres marketing

We have regular requests asking what are the must-read books to become a Pro Marketing

... The question is not easy because there are dozens of very good books (paying for). We began to develop a list of essential books on marketing this LINK.