Monday, February 28, 2011

Jap Teacher Kissing Students


Hello everyone! And yes, we give you some news!
In "Golf de Lava," we are "fueled by the crows!
No internet connection and telephone difficult ...!
We're fine!
Jo is still working as a maintenance technician in laundry "Ajaccio" and I no longer work ... seller in bakeries, not my thing ...!

Instead, I make a ton of "paprasserie" ...!
And yes, we are trying to buy a village house 30 minutes from Ajaccio, not easy!
The sales agreement is signed, the current loan!
You will see pictures on the blog next!

I am now pregnant for more than 6 months!

We went to the seaside near our campsite at the "Golf de Lava".
window open, or it has more to contemplate eating our meal!

Our house!

Jo hike around and take some pictures, sea, scrubland, mountain!

the sun!

A Sunday drive We walk in the surrounding villages.
Some pictures ...!

Two weekends spent in Corsica!
20 minutes of "Bonifacio", a small port welcomes us for the night!

Beautiful landscapes at dawn!

This port is located next to a climbing bouldering site "Camperu" to see the following blog! The next day we visit the city of "Bonifacio, built on a cliff!

We both, at the foot of the cliffs, arguing the city!

Below is the port and the new part of town.

Above is the old town! We are there and we walked along the ramparts.

view of the city!

A side is a heading.

To get there, we take a road splendid panorama, the view of the cliffs and the city!

The mountains, the sea and the bush is in there!

Here is our house, you see it?!

At Cape, the sea is surrounded by its pleasant green!

Direction, the nearest beach "Pietralba!
Simply Beautiful! The photos speak for itself!!

Vodka and pebbles!

We go to the "Trinity" religious place for great views!

Views of the mountains, the bush, the sea and on "Bonifacio".

This Shrine is surrounded by trees and boulders.

In return, beautiful sunset!

We return to the campsite on Sunday night, head full of images!

On another weekend, we go to the "Calanques de Piana"!
Here the village.

The road winds along a rugged coastline, made of natural bush and an emerald sea!

All around, great cliffs of orange, pink!

We stop a few kilometers after the village of "Piana", at the foot of the tour of the "dog's head."
Upon entrance is a large block-shaped head of a dog!

Other blocks dot the forest road.
We walk about thirty minutes, surrounded by colorful rocks!

At the end, rock platforms await us, called "The Castle".

The photos speak for itself!

We went to the town of "Porto" and the beach!

On the way back, past the village to "Piana"!

Again, at the end of AC weekend, we return with us some happy memories! Stay with us, here's another blog!


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